JSU Executive Board INFO

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JSU Executive Board Position Descriptions

  1. President of the Jewish Student Union: a)  The President is the JSU's primary student spokesperson to the University, The California Aggie, and the larger Jewish community. b) Organizational Managemnt: The President is responsible for developing agendas for the JSU executive board meetings, and shall preside over and maintain order at both executive board meetings and general board meetings.  The President supervises all other officers both executive and general in their work, is a sitting member on all committees, and presides over elections of new officers and facilitates their transition process. c) Other Responsibilities: The President has the primary responsibility for registering the JSU under SPAC.  Upon registering with SPAC, the President will designate him or herself along with the Vice-President of Programming to reserve rooms on campus.  The President has the power to appoint temporary and permanent chairs as the need arises.  Finally, all items not mentioned in the Constituion or by-laws are the responsibility of the President.  Pursuant to a verbal agreement to use Hillel facilities for free, the JSU President will meet with a Hillel staff member on a regular basis updating Hillel on JSU activities.  And pursuant to a verbal agreement to work closely with Hillel, the President shall serve as a member of Hillel at Davis and Sacramento's Board of Directors--to be presented at a May lay board meeting, or appoint one of the JSU officers to serve as a member of the Hillel Board of Directors. 
  2. Vice-President: In the event that the President is unable to fulfill any of their responsbilties the Vice-President will serve in his or her place.  The Vice-President also serves as a designated signatory under SPAC and is a sitting member on all committees.  Working with the President, the Vice-President shall make the agendas for the JSU executive and general board meetings.  As long as JSU co-sponsors Tuesdays lunch and Shabbat Hillel, the Vice-President shall be responsible for making sure someone either from the JSU executive board, general board, a member of a JSU club, or a general board member of the JSU is available to help set-up and clean-up as needed.  (NOTE:  JSU co-sponsored with Hillel Fall 2005 and Winter 2006, but does not currently in Spring 2006...the new JSU board will decide this with the Hillel Programming director for Fall 2006) 
  3. Treasurer: The Treasurer must attend the SPAC budgeting workshops.  He or she keeps records of all student allocated funding, maintains an updated record of all money spent, categoraized by program type and sponsoring group.  The Treasurer presents finacial reports at all JSU meetings.  The Treasurer in consultation wtih the President shall be responsible for all grant request and allocations for events sponsored by JSU.  
  4. Secretary: The Secretary takes minutes at all general and executive JSU meetings and disseminates all meeting minutes in a timely fashion to all general board members and should make minutes available to the entire Jewish community upon request.  He or she alerts the membership to upcoming meetings and monitors compliance with the attendance policy.  He or she facilitates communication between JSU sponsored student groups, including maintaining an up to date emmial contact list and group leaders master list.  The Secretary coordintates taking attendance at all JSU sponsored events to keep an accurate list of JSU membership.  The secretary is responsible for maintaining JSU records and for passing the records and JSU history to the next secretary.  
  5. Vice-President of Religious and Cultural Interest: This officer is in charge of religious and cultural activities and his/her duties include making sure everything is prepared for Jewish holidays and also seeeing to it that Jewish content is present in events.  This officer should be unbiased and pluralistic and has a duty to be open and accomodating to all Jewish denominations and movements.  
  6. Vice-President of Publicity: This officer is responsible for seeing that events are publicized in a timely manner.  This includes being in charge of flyering, tabling, submitting press releases to the Aggie and Davis Enterprise, and submitting public service annoucements to KDVS.  The Vice-President of Publicity coordinates the upkeep of the JSU website and all other means of marketing.  
  7. Vice-President of Programming: This officer is responsible for assisting the Vice-President of Religious and Cultural Activities with planning religious events but also is responsible for planning cultural and non-religious events such as potlucks, BBQs and JSU formal.  He or she is responsible to coordinate programming on an as needed basis and helps to facilitate the development fo large scale-all Jewish community wide programs which are not already done by other groups or committees.  The Vice-President of Programming shall determine appropriate procedures for event planning and advise all other officers and members in their event planning.