UCD Class of 2011!!!

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What to expect your first week at UCD?

Welcome Week is the time for you to get to know the campus, and like most campus organizations, the Jewish community offers events daily!

Check out the "Events" page to see what is going to be happening during Welcome Week 2007!


Leadership Opportunities in the Jewish Community

Three JSU Chair positions are elected in the winter quarter. This gives all Jewish community UCD students, including the newest ones, the opportunity to participate as a leader.


Jewish Culture Week Chair

This officer's charge is planning Jewish Culture Week (usually in the Spring Quarter) with the assistance of the other officers. The Jewish Culture Week Chair is responsible for ensuring that the week is a success and superior to the previoius year's Jewish Culture Week.

Picnic Day Chair

This officer's charge is planning Picnic Day activities with the assistance of the other officers. The Picnic Day Chair is responsible for ensuring that the weekend is a success and gives an even better showing of Jewish Student enthusiasm to the campus than the previous year. Duties include organizing the decoration and staffing of a JSU booth at the student activities faire, overseeing the construction and entry of a float in the parade, recruiting students to march with the float, and ensuring that other programming for the weekend is attended to.

Whole Earth Day Chair

This officer's charge is planning Whole Earth Day activities with the assistance of the other officers. The Whole Earth Day Chair is responsible for ensuring that the weekend is a success and gives an even better showing of Jewish student enthusiasm to the campus than the previous year. Duties include organizing the decoration and staffing of a JSU booth at the student activities faire, organizing a Jewish display or presentation on a stage (organizing leaders for a community Havdallah if possible), and ensuring that other programming for the weekend is attended to.